Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Almost there...

Yesterday I packed up all the stuff on our and mirrors, etc, and carefully tetris-ed them into the van.

(I did this on my own -- with Blake at work and the girls at home with me.)
In the morning, as I started, I was optimistic and excited.
By the time Blake was on his way home I was crabbier than ever.
I am not good at moming AND doing tasks. I seriously cannot multitask those two -- which sucks, since its kinda part of the job. Sigh. I spend so much time feeling under qualified.

Then we drove from IA to IL and got to my mom's at 1:30am.

Today we are hanging out. And tomorrow we are closing on our house. (!!!!)

ALL that said....
I basically just wanted to write a post more about my blog and where it's going.

If you started following me whilst I was in the middle of "preggo mania" and therefore your interest in this blog is centered on pregnancy stuff -- I totally get that. And I wanted to tell you that, while I do plan to blog (a lot) about this house. I do have a bunch more stuff in my head about pregnancy and such that I mean to blog time permits. So don't assume I'm just abandoning the trail I've been blazing.
One thing I plan to get to eventually is talking through a bit more of my emotional recovery from a c-section. So...if that appeals to you...just know it's in the works.
I'll just be pretty busy for a while.
So I'm not really sure how this blog will function for a while there.

I hope you stick around.
But if you don't...I understand.

See on the flip side!

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